24 Hours

24 Hours.

It may seem little, but if you strive hard you can make the most of it. You know a lot of great things can be done in that one day, only if that day is not tomorrow.

It’s that energy that is reinforced every morning and drained every night, so get to making every single moment of your life count.

Don’t procrastinate.

Just remember in those 24 hours don’t forget to look around and give a little time to those who seek it, be there for the people who need you.

When did it all change?


Isn’t it sad how we longed to grow up and how we felt turning into an adult took sort of forever. It’s funny that now we just want to be children again.

When did it all change? From fearing doctors to stressing about medical bills, from wanting to make new friends to crippling social anxiety, from bad dreams and monsters to stressing about our careers, from disregarding our parents to actually understanding what they meant. That’s when it all changed.

Today we owe it to the little kid in us to find happiness in simple things.

I hope that we can all keep that little place inside us where magic grows, alive.

At the end of the day…


At the end of the day its not about all the materialistic things you possess,
not even the number of friends you have or the job you hold.

Nothing is going to matter
if you don’t have that someone to share it with.

When you get to the end of your day
it’s about having someone who genuinely makes you happy.

It is all that matters, a lot more than anything else.

The Rat Race


Don’t get stuck in the rat race.
Go for a dive, travel, take a class, learn a new sport.
Have a little fun, but remember not to loose yourself at the happy hour nor in the corporate ladder either.

Make some time to walk closely with the people you love.

Don’t get stuck in the past.
Don’t try to fast forward yourself to the future you haven’t yet earned.

For now just give today all the love , intensity and courage you can and keep unraveling life’s path.

– Jeanelle